
India: Agriculture department moots Glyphosate ban
A proposal has been sent by an India district office of the agriculture department in Yavatmal to the state director of quality control to ban the use of glyphosate — a herbicide commonly used by cotton growers here.
Herbicides have gained…

Glyphosate - State of play in the European Union
The renewal of glyphosate remains one of the most controversial issues in the EU at the moment. cqualified majority among the Member States to support it. As a compromise, the Commission presented a proposal for a 10 year renewal period instead…

Neonicotinoids: Public consultation on a draft Decree in France
A draft Decree is on public consultation from 14/02 to 15/03/2017. A list of 7 Neonicotinoid active substances that will be banned from 1st September 2018 is given: Acetamiprid, Clothianidin, Dinotefuran*, Imidacloprid, Nitenpyram*, Thiacloprid…

Analysis of new patterns and future trends in Global Agriculture
Looking into the future, the traditional agri-input market is expected to enter a period of low growth, but, promoted by sustainable agricultural development in the world, some emerging fields for green and environmental protection are expected…

Two agrochemicals allowed and another four banned in Uruguay
The Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fishery of Uruguay has banned four agrochemical products considered highly dangerous and also restricted the use of two other agrochemicals.
According to the general director of Agricultural Services,…
Dextra AgroEurope
Dextra AgroEurope SL (HQ)
Av. Corts Catalanes 9-11, Sant Cugat del Vallés
Barcelona | 08173, Spain
Phone: +34.93.583.95.53
Av. Corts Catalanes 9-11, Sant Cugat del Vallés
Barcelona | 08173, Spain
Phone: +34.93.583.95.53
Dextra AgroAmerica
Dextra AgroAmerica LLC
1395 Brickell Avenue, Suite 800 & 900
Miami | FL 33131 USA
Phone: +1.305.967.6378
1395 Brickell Avenue, Suite 800 & 900
Miami | FL 33131 USA
Phone: +1.305.967.6378
Dextra AgroColombia
Dextra AgroColombia SaS
Calle 24 #95 - A No. 80 - Of. 517
Edificio Colfecar | Bogotá, Colombia
Phone: +57 (1) 320.21.96
Calle 24 #95 - A No. 80 - Of. 517
Edificio Colfecar | Bogotá, Colombia
Phone: +57 (1) 320.21.96